How To Calculate Price Per Square Footage Of A House For An Appraisal In Utah?

How to calculate price per square footage in Utah homes is the most frequent service request that we receive from and provide to Realtors. When preparing listing documentation, many realtors rely on public records from the County Assessor for the home’s square footage, which are often inaccurate. Mortgage lenders use appraiser measurements because they understand that county information is often unreliable. If you find yourself turning to county records for this information, you are setting up your seller for a potential headache at best, and at worst, the potential for leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table. Even a discrepancy of 20 square feet can be the difference between one size/price bracket and another.

Why You Should Trust An Appraiser Over County Records

As a generic example, if you price a home at $100 per square foot, and an appraiser measures the home at 100 square feet over county records, the difference in revenue is $10,000 and it will only cost you $150 to provide this information to your client.

As you list a home, ask your seller if they have a prior appraisal showing the square footage as measured by an appraiser. If their answer is no, rather than turning to county records or previous listings on the MLS, you should contact our office to arrange for one of our qualified appraisers to perform a verified home measurement. We are typically able to perform this service within 48 hours of the request and provide you with a high quality sketch of the home, each floor being labeled separately so you know just how to enter the information on your listing.

How Do Appraisers Calculate Square Footage Of A House For Appraisal In Utah?

As you list a home, as your seller if they have a prior appraisal showing the square footage as

So how do appraisers calculate the square footage of a house for appraisal in Utah? An appraiser will measure each level of your home from the outside, making sure to include the entirety of your home in the price per square foot numbers. Most appraisers then take this information to their office to input into their software which will help them tally the numbers. It is not a difficult process, but it does require training and the right equipment to produce accurate numbers.

At ExcelAppraise we embrace technology, and that embrace is no better demonstrated than our method for calculating the square footage of your house for appraisal in Utah. We use digital laser measuring devices (distometers) and pair these with top of the line tablets and software. All calculations and processing is handled on site, which means we can give you the results before we leave! We even leave you with a digital PDF report that will help you list each level of the home correctly! Additionally we measure porches, patios, decks, sheds and any other features that will help you describe your home with greater detail.

Contact ExcelAppraise For An Accurate Square Footage Calculation In Utah

As a realtor, don’t rely on old public records for an accurate assessment of your clients home. Come to ExcelAppraise. Our professionals will give you an expert and thorough assessment to make sure you’re getting the most detailed appraisal. You’ll thank us and your clients will thank you. Contact us today to get started!